Saturday, June 29, 2013

Does 2 red lines mean positive.....and does positive mean good??

Reading back through my last post dated May 19 2011, I believer more than ever, that no matter how you might be feeling, thinking or living one day, your existence can change in a mere second.  Whether it's fate or serendipity, or whatever the romantics might call it, you can basically count on the fact that, shit happens.

So it has been just over 2 years since I last updated this blog and in that time many things have changed.  Rick and I completed the Appalachian Trail taking 142 days and summitting Katahdin in September 2011.  We spent a few weeks in Nepal, a country that opened our eyes to a people and a culture that seemly had nothing, but in essence had everything.  And, last but not least, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in December 2011. I would say unexpectedly but that doesn't seem right as I had 9 months warning so let's say her conception was a surprise.

If you do the math, you'll notice that there is not much of a break between us finishing the hike and welcoming our daughter into the world and hence, this brings us back to my last post...............May 19th 2011 in Erwin Tenessee.  I literally wrote that post about 5 hours before I found out I was pregnant.  Skinny jeans here I come.........bah!!! Whatever I wrote or thought or felt that morning was about to be turned upside down with a mere second of peeing on a stick.

And 7 months later to the very day we welcomed Evie Katahdin Nooft into our lives and yes, she's a hiker.

I am now finding time to get back to the blog with the little one becoming more self sufficient everyday.  I hope to write more soon about hiking pregnant to provide encouragement and guidance for any women who might find themselves in the same stay tuned!

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