About Me

Name: Renny Rebecca Gerhardt
DOB:  Jan 1982
Birthplace: Toowoomba, QLD (don't act like you've never heard of it)

So, what the hell am I doing?  How did I end up here? This is not my beautiful life.  The scary thing is, it's easy to do.  All you need to do is quit your job, sell everything you own, say goodbye to almost everyone you care about and then point to place on a map and go for it.

I've always wanted to see the world and experience different cultures.  Being half indonesian and half australian I guess I could say I have the travel bug running through my blood.  My mother married my father in 1980 and left her home country with her two young children to start a new life for herself in Australia.  As much as I love my family the second I turned 18 I couldn't wait to leave! 

I lived in Brisbane from 2000 to 2006 and then moved to Sydney for two years.  In 2008 I moved to Melbourne until my boyfriend, Rick and I, decided it was time to get out of dodge and hit the road.  In January of 2010, we quit our jobs at the bank and the rest, well, you can read what happens to Rick and me throughout my blogs.